
Modules available:

nanopolish extract: extract reads in FASTA or FASTQ format from a directory of FAST5 files
nanopolish call-methylation: predict genomic bases that may be methylated
nanopolish variants: detect SNPs and indels with respect to a reference genome
nanopolish variants --consensus: calculate an improved consensus sequence for a draft genome assembly
nanopolish eventalign: align signal-level events to k-mers of a reference genome
nanopolish phase-reads: Phase reads using heterozygous SNVs with respect to a reference genome
nanopolish polya: Estimate polyadenylated tail lengths on native RNA reads



This module is used to extract reads in FASTA or FASTQ format from a directory of FAST5 files.


  • path to a directory of FAST5 files modified to contain basecall information


  • sequences of reads in FASTA or FASTQ format

Usage example

nanopolish extract [OPTIONS] <fast5|dir>
Argument name(s) Required Default value Description
<fast5|dir> Y NA FAST5 or path to directory of FAST5 files.
-r, --recurse N NA Recurse into subdirectories
-q, --fastq N fasta format Use when you want to extract to FASTQ format
-t, --type=TYPE N 2d-or-template The type of read either: {template, complement, 2d, 2d-or-template, any}
-b, --basecaller=NAME[:VERSION] N NA consider only data produced by basecaller NAME, optionally with given exact VERSION
-o, --output=FILE N stdout Write output to FILE



Build an index mapping from basecalled reads to the signals measured by the sequencer


  • path to directory of raw nanopore sequencing data in FAST5 format
  • basecalled reads


  • gzipped FASTA file of basecalled reads (.index)
  • index files (.fai, .gzi, .readdb)

Readdb file format

Readdb file is a tab-separated file that contains two columns. One column represents read ids and the other column represents the corresponding path to FAST5 file:

read_id_1   /path/to/fast5/containing/reads_id_1/signals
read_id_2   /path/to/fast5/containing/read_id_2/signals

Usage example

nanopolish index [OPTIONS] -d nanopore_raw_file_directory reads.fastq
Argument name(s) Required Default value Description
-d, --directory Y NA FAST5 or path to directory of FAST5 files containing ONT sequencing raw signal information.
-f, --fast5-fofn N NA file containing the paths to each fast5 for the run



Classify nucleotides as methylated or not.


  • Basecalled ONT reads in FASTA format


  • tab-separated file containing per-read log-likelihood ratios

Usage example

nanopolish call-methylation [OPTIONS] <fast5|dir>
Argument name(s) Required Default value Description
-r, --reads=FILE Y NA the ONT reads are in fasta FILE
-b, --bam=FILE Y NA the reads aligned to the genome assembly are in bam FILE
-g, --genome=FILE Y NA the genome we are computing a consensus for is in FILE
-t, --threads=NUM N 1 use NUM threads
--progress N NA print out a progress message



This module is used to call single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) using a signal-level HMM.


  • basecalled reads
  • alignment info
  • genome assembly


  • VCF file

Usage example

nanopolish variants [OPTIONS] --reads reads.fa --bam alignments.bam --genome genome.fa
Argument name(s) Required Default value Description
--snps N NA use flag to only call SNPs
--consensus=FILE N NA run in consensus calling mode and write polished sequence to FILE
--fix-homopolymers N NA use flag to run the experimental homopolymer caller
--faster N NA minimize compute time while slightly reducing consensus accuracy
-w, --window=STR N NA find variants in window STR (format: <chromsome_name>:<start>-<end>)
-r, --reads=FILE Y NA the ONT reads are in fasta FILE
-b, --bam=FILE Y NA the reads aligned to the reference genome are in bam FILE
-e, --event-bam=FILE Y NA the events aligned to the reference genome are in bam FILE
-g, --genome=FILE Y NA the reference genome is in FILE
-o, --outfile=FILE N stdout write result to FILE
-t, --threads=NUM N 1 use NUM threads
-m, --min-candidate-frequency=F N 0.2 extract candidate variants from the aligned reads when the variant frequency is at least F
-d, --min-candidate-depth=D N 20 extract candidate variants from the aligned reads when the depth is at least D
-x, --max-haplotypes=N N 1000 consider at most N haplotypes combinations
--max-rounds=N N 50 perform N rounds of consensus sequence improvement
-c, --candidates=VCF N NA read variants candidates from VCF, rather than discovering them from aligned reads
-a, --alternative-basecalls-bam=FILE N NA if an alternative basecaller was used that does not output event annotations then use basecalled sequences from FILE. The signal-level events will still be taken from the -b bam
--calculate-all-support N NA when making a call, also calculate the support of the 3 other possible bases
--models-fofn=FILE N NA read alternatives k-mer models from FILE

event align


Align nanopore events to reference k-mers


  • basecalled reads
  • alignment information
  • assembled genome

Usage example

nanopolish eventalign [OPTIONS] --reads reads.fa --bam alignments.bam --genome genome.fa
Argument name(s) Required Default value Description
--sam N NA use to write output in SAM format
-w, --window=STR N NA Compute the consensus for window STR (format : ctg:start_id-end_id)
-r, --reads=FILE Y NA the ONT reads are in fasta FILE
-b, --bam=FILE Y NA the reads aligned to the genome assembly are in bam FILE
-g, --genome=FILE Y NA the genome we are computing a consensus for is in FILE
-t, --threads=NUM N 1 use NUM threads
--scale-events N NA scale events to the model, rather than vice-versa
--progress N NA print out a progress message
-n, --print-read-names N NA print read names instead of indexes
--summary=FILE N NA summarize the alignment of each read/strand in FILE
--samples N NA write the raw samples for the event to the tsv output
--models-fofn=FILE N NA read alternative k-mer models from FILE

phase-reads - (experimental)


Phase reads using heterozygous SNVs with respect to a reference genome


  • basecalled reads
  • alignment information
  • assembled genome
  • variants (from nanopolish variants or from other sources eg. Illumina VCF)

Usage example

nanopolish phase-reads [OPTIONS] --reads reads.fa --bam alignments.bam --genome genome.fa variants.vcf



Estimate the number of nucleotides in the poly(A) tails of native RNA reads.


  • basecalled reads
  • alignment information
  • reference transcripts

Usage example

nanopolish polya [OPTIONS] --reads=reads.fa --bam=alignments.bam --genome=ref.fa
Argument name(s) Required Default value Description
-w, --window=STR N NA Compute only for reads aligning to window of reference STR (format : ctg:start_id-end_id)
-r, --reads=FILE Y NA the FAST(A/Q) file of native RNA reads
-b, --bam=FILE Y NA the BAM file of alignments between reads and the reference
-g, --genome=FILE Y NA the reference transcripts
-t, --threads=NUM N 1 use NUM threads
-v, -vv N NA -v returns raw sample log-likelihoods, while -vv returns event durations